Monday, July 16, 2012

Diary of an Author - Meet Sean M. Chandler

If you are anything like me, catching a fleeting tweet going by is rather hit or miss. This morning, I saw a great one! It's about editing.
Now don't go running in the opposite direction! We're not talking about typos. There is a bigger side to editing called COPY EDITING.
As an author, I've come to believe my skills are honing up fairly well. People enjoy my novel, I get asked for advise, I write advise tidbits on twitter and they get RT'd...
At the same time, you might come to realize that most teachers say the same's the method of  of delivery that becomes the distinguishing factor.
I think Sean M. Chandler is an excellent teacher! He uses great techniques including

Pictures! (I like Pictures)
Videos! (I like videos)
Humor! (I like smiling)

I hope that you will take the time to check out Sean's fabulous website at THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF SEAN M. CHANDLER

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